Taken from The Pennsylvania Gazette

Debate on genetic counseling...
"Where Human Life Happens," our June issue cover story on Dr.
Glenn McGee of Penn's Center for Bioethics, drew the most mail over the
summer. Several genetic counselors wrote to protest comments by Dr. McGee
concerning their profession, while other health professionals praised the
article for "consciousness raising" on the ethical isues surrounding
genetic tests. A selection of letters follows. -- Ed.
I was disturbed by Dr. Glenn McGee's simplistic view
of genetic counseling ["Where Human Life Happens," June]. To predict that
genetic counselors "will soon be replaced by CD-ROMs with risk statistics
and bland information about diseases" is akin to stating that bioethicists
will soon be replaced by textbook algorithms: If X situation arises, skip
to point D .... For genetic counselors, the complexity of the profession's
work occurs after the risk statistics, options and information are given.
Helping individuals, couples, and families with decisions about their
genetic options and future is precisely what trained clinical genetic
counselors confront daily. I have heard hundreds of
stories about genetic counselors who have held the hands of women during
the deliveries of offspring with conditions incompatible with life. They
have taken locks of hair from those babies to enable couples to have
something tangible from a life-altering, excruciating experience; they
have taken courses on how to photograph a stillborn so it is not a photo
ready for a medical text, but rather a memento of a real couple's real
child. I have listened to genetic counselors after they have helped a
multi-generational family struggle through decisions about presymptomatic
testing for one of many childhood or adult-onset disorders, such as cancer
family syndromes, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis, then give the
family members their home phone numbers, offering to clarify information
often lost to the emotions of a highly charged session. What CD-ROM will
do this? Contrary to McGee's view, genetic
counselors do not present information and walk away from their clients'
decision. Rather, they, as in most counseling professions, help clients
address all options in terms of their clients' culture, beliefs and
values. Dr. McGee suggests the physician, clergy, or other professionals
could assume the genetic counseling role, providing directive answers to
"What would you (should I) do?" This approach is viewed as paternalistic
and inappropriate precisely because we all live with and desire
respect for our different beliefs, values, and life experiences. Bioethics
101, I would hope, taught Dr. McGee that professional value.
Bea Leopold
Executive Director,
National Society of
Genetic Counselors
Wallingford, Pa.
I applaud the article by Phil Berardelli, "Where
Human Life Happens," as well as the work that Dr. McGee and the Center for
Bioethics are doing. Having worked in the field of nursing and midwifery
for more than 30 years and the field of bioethics with emphasis on ethics
in nursing, medicine, and other health professions with my husband, Dr.
Henry O. Thompson, since 1993, I am pleased with several aspects of this
article. I strongly endorse Dr. McGee's "call to
action" in genetic counseling, especially among those who have the most
direct contact with pregnant women and their partners/ families and to
whom they traditionally turn for counsel and support -- clergy,
nurses/midwives, primary care physicians, etc. While formally educated
genetic counselors are important to this process, they cannot and should
not be relied upon solely to work with pregnant couples on genetic issues.
I further support Dr. McGee's notion that genetic
science has advanced much more quickly than the ability of social
institutions [and most human beings] to deal with the impact of that
science. It is imperative that academics, clinicians, insurers, lawyers,
and the public at large agree to get together and work toward common
understanding of the ethical issues that face ordinary people in our daily
lives. Finally, I agree with Dr. McGee that ethical
decision-making offers much more than the traditional doctor-patient
relationship in facing these complex issues of genetics. We must be
concerned about truthtelling, confidentiality, autonomy, and informed
participation in health care decisions, beneficence, and human dignity
when approaching both what is known and unknown about genetics or
pregnancy or whatever health condition requires the interaction of person
with health professional. I sincerely hope that this
article will stimulate the needed open discussion and debate surrounding
ethics and genetics. Thank you for raising our consciousness!
Dr. Joyce E. Thompson, Faculty
Director, Graduate Program
in Nurse-Midwifery,
School of Nursing
Congratulations on your article focusing on genetic
science and the work of Dr. Glenn McGee. Thank you for acknowledging the
importance of a multidisciplinary approach to genetic and family planning
issues. I'd like to underscore the importance of nurses to this process.
Today, nurses not only need to feel competent about the science of
genetics, but about how genetics influences clinical decisionmaking about
the promotion of health, as well as the prevention and treatment of
disease. Tomorrow, genetics will be woven into the routine discourse of
every minister, general internist, and nurse. Our job is to help prepare
Janet A. Deatrick, Faculty
Associate Professor,
Nursing of Children
School of Nursing
enjoyed reading Phil Berardelli's article "Where Human Life Happens" in
the June 1997 Gazette. Glenn McGee is a fellow bioethicist and
personal friend, and, in general, I really think Mr. Berardelli "got it
right" with his description of Glenn and his hectic life. Education of the
public about the ethics and values issues of the new biology is absolutely
essential if our reproductive choices are to be grounded upon enlightened
discourse rather than force or fear. Penn's Center
for Bioethics has quickly established itself as one of the major research
centers in the field. You have done your readers a great service by
highlighting the activities of one of its superstars.
Dr. James J. McCartney
Chair, Department of Philosophy
Villanova University
Glenn McGee Responds: It
has been gratifying to me to hear from so many of my colleagues in ethics
and genetics about the profile by Phil Beradelli in the Gazette,
both here and by e-mail and phone. Many in the genetic counseling
community have expressed the concern to me and others that genetic
counseling has not been given its due in public discussions. I agree. We
have to insist that genetic testing includes genetic counseling, and that
genetic counseling means more than a pamphlet or a CD-ROM. However, we
know that the vast majority of genetic tests are not accompanied by
genetic counseling, and that the general drift of things is toward
counseling by pamphlets and CD-ROMs, primarily because of cost
constraints. I want to reiterate here that it is my position that genetic
counseling is difficult stuff, and that genetic counselors bring the ideal
set of qualifications for that stuff. My fear is that not all testing is
ideal, and if we don't attach some importance to training ministers,
physicians, staff, nurses, and others in genetics, many who are tested
won't be counseled at all. It is for this reason that I'm so pleased with
the arguments of McCartney, Thompson, and Deatrick. We have to begin to
train a variety of professionals to become conversant in basic genetics
issues, and genetic counselors will help us along that road.
The article "Camp David
on the Schuylkill" [June], while containing Dr. Elazar's criticisms of my
paper on "The Political Culture of the Ben-Gurionist Republic," omitted my
response to Elazar's remarks: I found his comments paternalistic (calling
me a "nice guy"), containing the only ad hominem assault in the
meeting (accusing me of using a "sinister tone"), and altogether useless
and misleading. Elazar's contention that I offered
an American-style liberal model for Israel is patently absurd. I didn't do
that because it was not my task to offer prescriptions, nor do I believe
that such a model has ever been appropriate for Israel. Elazar's objection
to the use of the term "militarism" to describe Israel's early era ignored
the paper's 10-page analysis of that issue and the entire recent
literature on that matter. While Elazar is right that the IDF was a
citizen army, this point has nothing to do with the militarization of
Israel's politics, society, and especially foreign policy in the formative
era, a well-documented phenomenon.
DR. Ilan Peleg
Charles A. Dana Professor
of Government and Law
Lafayette College
Taken from Copyright 1997 The Pennsylvania Gazette Last
modified 9/25/97